
Chapter 11

They returned swiftly to the landing point and joined the rest of their crew by the ships. Two of the Iosian crew dragged him across the sand, and into the boat. It wasn’t long before the rest of the scouts returned, shooting indignant glances at their captive.

Once they had safely returned to the harbor in Skodros, they unloaded their booty and returned to camp with their captive. Captain Neleos ordered he be chained and sent to the spymaster for interrogation, which was to be expected. What was notexpected, however, was the whip in his hands.

Most of the pirates, as well as some civilians gathered round the beach. The air was tinged with the smell of smoke and filled with the sound of jeers. They formed a circle around two figures: one standing and one on the ground. Once Doreius and Driada had approached, they were able to see them clearly: Captain Neleos towered above the woman he had taken as a slave. She was rolled into a ball, trembling with fear.