Driada followed her up the stairs, her scabbard slapping against her side. “I’ve also come to speak about the siren.”
Thea paused. “What is it?”
“I’m worried that you’re disappointed with me. I know the siren’s death didn’t accomplish what you had hoped it would. It didn’t lift the curse. The gods still have not sent you a sign that they favor you.”
“No. It didn’t work.” She sighed. “But what you did for me was incredible. You’re being hailed as a hero.”
“I know. However, I’m worried that you might not see me that way.” Driada crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m worried I’ve let you down.”
Thea frowned. “Why would you think that?”
“I heard you’ve been spending more time in the catacombs.” She cleared her throat. “I wondered if perhaps you felt the need to hide from me.”
“I’ve retreated into solitude these past few days, it’s true,” Thea said quietly. “Ever since the moment I held you in my arms on board that ship, I’ve felt overwhelmed.”