“The queen is out there!”
Adrasteia shook her head sadly. “She is not my queen any longer.”
“How can you say that?” Driada struggled against the water. It seemed to have a life of its own, forever pulling her downward.
“I left that life behind when Penelopia took me, and so should you. The opportunity she is bestowing upon you is one you cannot dismiss. It will make you strongerDon’t you want to be strong?”
Adrasteia disappeared as Driada plunged deeper into the depths. Her bones felt as though they were being snapped, and reshaped. So involved in torment was she that she barely startled when a hand clamped down on her wrist. Somehow in the tumbling void, she locked eyes with a familiar face. But instead of relief, she felt cold horror.
Recognizing her queen, she opened her mouth to scream. Get out of here! Quickly!