Chapter 9

“Sure. Let me grab…” He opened the closet and dug out the bag with his hiking stuff. With two roasting sticks in one hand, he walked the three steps, bringing him up to Arvid’s side. He dropped to his knees, noting the way his heart beat and how a wave of panicked fear washed over him. What the hell? He narrowed his eyes. He wasn’t afraid, was he? “Are you the one doing it?”

Arvid looked away.

Crap!Could he? Was he an…omega? Fear, real fear this time, filled his gut. If he had an unmated omega in his house, alphas would come for him. Packs and prides. He studied Arvid for several seconds. “This is bad.”

Arvid snorted. “You don’t say.”

Espen had never believed there would be an individual who could manipulate his emotions. Though, he suspected it wasn’t a conscious decision. “You need to calm down, so I can think. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad there’s a storm.”

Arvid narrowed his eyes. “So I can’t fly away?”