“If you want to get someone to like you,” Heather called from a few steps behind us, “you’ve got to play hard to get. How do you think I roped this guy in?”
“Why you stillplaying that way?” Jeremy asked. I didn’t have to look back to know what I’d see: Heather looking smug and self-satisfied, arm-in-arm with Jeremy, sporting a tight, sour look on his thickly freckled face.
“If our Theo is going to get his dick wet, we’re gonna have to try harder, guys.” Min planted her feet, swinging me around. Scott caromed into us, while the Heather-Jeremy duo slowed to a smooth stop. “Scott, take Theo into the change room before your show. See if any of the other boys are looking for some hot virgin action.”
“Min, no way!”
“Theo, if you don’t get laid, you’re gonna burst. And that wouldn’t be pretty. An explosion of teenage spunk flying everywhere—”
“Okay, okay! I’ll go with Scott. Just stop with the visuals!”
* * * *