“Butt-out, gay boy.”
“Pardon?” Okay, I should point out here that Heather had been pissing me off as of late. I don’t know what it was, but I’d been getting anti-gay vibes from her, what with her preaching about helping out at church on weekends, and her general demeanor whenever the topic turned to pretty much anything about me or Scott.
This had been brewing.
I got right into Heather’s space. Afterward, Scott told me I had one hand on my hip, the other wrapped tightly around my drink, and a murderous expression on my face.
I didn’t see her right hook.
I just remember finding myself on the floor, in a puddle of my own girlie drink. After blinking a few times, my sight cleared, and the buzz of the party resumed around me. Heather was gone. As was Jeremy. And Scott.
“Fuck me,” I muttered just as a pair of jeans walked into my line of sight.
“Sure. If that’s what you want, pool-boy.” That voice…