Chapter 17

“Wow. Alright, pool-boy! You can sleep by yourself tonight.”

“Oh, I will,” I declared forcefully. “I will.”

Dale snorted, lifted his leg off the chair, and disappeared into the blurry crowd. I reached a hand after him, squinting at that tight tush as it lost focus.

Dale’s drink came up to my lips, as if by its own accord. I hesitated. Would he have actually spiked it?“Fuck it.” I took a swig, not noticing any weirdness in the taste. Yeah, but rape drugs are designed to be tasteless

“That was pretty cool,” a soft, familiar voice said from nearby.

I swung my head to the left, recognizing Scott’s outline. “Hi, Scott!” I mumbled, reaching my arms out to him. He laughed, coming in for a cuddle. “Sit with me.” I tapped the armrest, the one opposite where Dale’s sexy leg had rested. I looked up at him. He looked down at me. “I love you, Scott Croft.”

He threw back his head, laughing.

“What?” My voice cracked, but I didn’t care. “I do!”