Chapter 20

“It would be a snug fit. Pumped muscles touching. Dicks rubbing together. Bottoms tight. I’d think I’d enjoy that, Tim. What do you say?”

I shrug. “I don’t know.”

He shocks me and admits, “Sometimes I imagine you inside me. I’ve seen you in the shower. I know how big you are. I could handle you that way. I’d take it.”

I don’t know what he’s saying? Where is this conversation going? What’s happening? Is he this bored on the road trip that he has to bring this specific topic up?

“I’ve pictured you behind me and felt your palms on my hips. I’ve imagined hearing you grunt and felt your balls snap against my thighs. I’ve smelled your sweat and felt it sting my spine, Tim. Honestly, I have.”

“Really?” I can barely get the single word from my lips. Nor can I pay attention to the road, squinting, almost incapable of seeing my lane because of the surprise.