Chapter 5

Pictures got taken. Memories were made. A small pile of gifts accumulated: fans had brought interesting coffee, fan art, a handmade rainbow bracelet, a tiny plush dragon with a book in its claws. Colby admired every single item, and asked everyone’s name, and consequently the line moved way more slowly than their allotted half hour.

Jason kept an eye on his husband. Colby seemed okay, and the fans were being great—better than henrsquo;d expected, in fact—and he did not at all mind kissing Colby in a photo while a young woman did a gleeful squeal beside them, or striking silly action poses with Colby plus a fan, if asked for that. Hetrsquo;d always secretly liked the convention circuit, even when internally cringing at the painful B-movie action flick hefrsquo;d likely been there to promote.