Chapter 10

His hand. Big and tanned and broad. Colby’s soft grey sweater, with the rainbow trim. The firmness of Colby’s arm, swimmer’s muscles under fabric. Strong in so many ways. The strongest ever.

He rubbed his thumb over the sweater, over that spot, reinforcing presence. Colby shut both eyes for a second and exhaled, and got noticeably less tense.

Jason shifted closer. Put the other arm around him. “Better?”

“Much improved. Could you…could we perhaps be naked? You said massage, earlier.”

“Yeah.” He brushed a kiss against Colby’s mouth, lightweight, imposing nothing. “Yeah. Come here.”

In the hushed deep aureate pool of the late afternoon, he got Colby naked, baring smooth skin with deliberate care. Colby smiled at him, and lifted arms to be undressed, and wiggled hips obligingly to help peel off clinging blue pants.