Chapter 12

“Yes,” Colby told him, though Jason hadn’t asked a question, “yes, yes, yes, please…oh, this feels so…I feel so much better. So light…and warm, too, sort of like baking…it’s possible I feel like a very good cake. Sugary. Weightless.”

“Nice and fluffy,” Jason agreed, and stroked a hand through Colby’s hair. “Good. Just asking, you want anything inside you, right now, me or my fingers or my tongue or anything? Or you want me to take care of you just like this, maybe come all over you, get you covered in me, and then let you come like that?”

“That,” Colby said. “The second one. Please.” He was still smiling, as if he couldn’t not. “That sounds exactly right. Possibly…possibly even tell me to make myself get close…your hand on me, but me, ah…showing you how good I am for you, how much I want it…”