He ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife as the engine shut off. He squeezed the handle until his fingers ached and tried to fight off the buzz in his head.
The steps creaked outside.
The person wasn’t in a hurry, but then, assassins seldom were. They always had a plan, a well-calculated, elaborated plan, or so he assumed.
Gabriel waited for the door to bang open, for a mountain of a man to jump inside. What if he sealed the door and set the cabin on fire? Gabriel’s heart ceased. Out!He needed to get out.
In his alarm, he dropped the knife and started towards the door when the knock came.
Gabriel stopped. Did assassins say hello?
“Hello? It’s Chris—Chris from the shop. Are you okay?”
Okay?Gabriel tried to find his voice, not that he had any clue what he would say. Maybe it was a trick
“Are you there?”