Chapter 17

“Even if it was so, it’s not worth the risk. Will you get to keep this number?”

“I don’t know.” He only thought for a moment before giving her Chris’s number.

“And who is this guy?”

“Chris? He owns the local shop.” Gabriel tried not to sound as if he was anyone special. If he even hinted at some interest, Emma would squeeze every detail out of him.

“So, he lives close by?” There was something calculating in her voice Gabriel didn’t understand.

“He lives in town. I live outside, but yeah, it’s pretty close.”

“And he’s a nice man?”

“I don’t know him.” Gabriel was frowning now. What was she up to?

“You’re always good at telling. Would you say he’s a trustworthy person?”

She was probably worried about Chris would sell him out“Yeah, he’d never harm anyone. He’s been really kind, made sure I got heat in the cabin, and he cooked me dinner the other night.”

“Oh, he’s thatkind of nice.” She started laughing, and a weight lifted from his chest simply from hearing it.