Chapter 7

“Bobby,” their mother warns. She gives Mr. Fordham a distrustful

glance, as if Wesley is no more than twelve and the man he’s with

is a perv for feeling up such a young boy in public. Suddenly the

bathroom seems too close for her, but when she looks around she

realizes it’s as far away fromthemas she can get without leaving the waiting room

completely, so she settles for reeling her children in to her

instead. “Come here. Brenna, stop it. I said come


Wesley ignores this—he only sees

his companion, and his eyes dance like faceted jewels when he looks

at the man beside him. Jason wonders if there’s anything he can

say, anything at all, to make those eyes turn his way without

hardening. “When was what?” Wesley asks coyly.

Mr. Fordham

meets that laughing gaze with an amused look on his face.Wesley wants you to say it, Jason thinks.The bastard. He

wants you to ask him when’s the last time you two had sex so he can

rub it in.Never mind the fact he and