Chapter 34

Suddenly the room around him was gray, the world drained of

color. He didn’t think it was just the darkness trapped behind the

curtains that cast such a pall on everything around him. Maybe I

can forget this happened and when I wake up my life will be like it

was before I met him, before I ever stepped foot into that shelter

and found out someone like him even existed.

But what hadlife been like before he met Jamie? Alex

couldn’t remember. Was it always this dull, this gray pressing

against him, cloying and hungry and sapping his energy away? How

had he managed to get out of bed in the morning without the promise

of seeing those bright blue eyes sparkle back at him?

He’s right, he thought in the stillness of his room. There’s

something between you two, something you can’t explain and

something you’ll never forget, and now that it’s gone how can you

live without it? Without him?

Alex didn’t know. He didn’t think he wanted to know.