Chapter 42

As my mother passes the rolls, she announces, “It’s so good to have both you boys home again.”

Joey and I exchange a quick glance—what do you say to that? Through a mouthful of potatoes, he tells her, “It’s great to have youback, Mom. If only for the cooking.”

“I guess now that I’m all better,” she starts, “you’ll be heading back.”

The pointed look she gives me says that’s directed my way. “I have to get back to the office,” I mutter, picking at my beans. “I told you that.”

“What about Thanksgiving?” she asks, her voice bright as if she’s switching the subject. She isn’t. “That’s only a few weeks away. Why don’t you and your friend come on up for that? We’d love to have you. What’s his name again?”

His.Oh shit.