Chapter 4

But Tony’s watching me and this is being

recorded, I can’t say anything like that. So the only thing I

murmur into the open channel is, “Night, Dylan.”

His reply is just as brief, just as soft.

“Night, Neal.”

Then the connection breaks and the static

dissolves around us, and Tony asks quietly, “Dylan?”

He knows we were lovers. He knows I fell for

the boy the moment he walked onboard this station, cocky and

confident, and when he winked at me that day, I fell like one of

the stars out there, burning with lust and desire. Tony’s my best

friend, he knowsall this, everything that happened, how

Dylan was my first and how he made me feel like I was the only one

who mattered and how proud I was when Dixon chose him for the

mapping duty because out there among the stars, that’s where he

wanted to be. And I think he knows that I’m still missing him—he

knows we broke up and he knows it wasn’t what I wanted and he knows