Chapter 8

They don’t need to hear whatever we say to each other. “You


His reply fills my whole world, it’s so loud

in my ears. I sit back in the seat and press the headset close,

savoring each word. “I’m here,” he sighs. “I was hoping you’d be on

duty. God, Neal, I know you’re recording this—”

“It’s off,” I whisper. When he doesn’t

answer immediately, I close my eyes and feel the hint of a smile

tug at my lips. “It’s just you and me, babe. What’s on your


“You.” It’s a breathy rush and I know

Dixon’s wrong, Dylan didn’tdump me for this mission, he

didn’t. There’s a grin in his voice when he says, “I miss

you something fierce, boy.”

Tears sting my eyes and I don’t trust myself

to reply. “It’s lonely out here,” he continues, soft in my


“It’s lonely here, too,” I sigh.

“Dylan, why—”

“Shh,” he admonishes, and I bite my

lower lip to keep it from trembling. “Let’s not talk about that