Chapter 12

But he doesn’t play like that. He always likes to have someone left

at the station in reserve, just in case one of the other crews runs

into something out there. So Dylan gets only two fighters, that’s

it. I pray he doesn’t even need that many. Let it be a relay,

nothing more,I think. Beside me Tony’s head drops to his chin

and he shakes himself awake.

But Dixon’s not through. Looking over the

paper in his hands, he says, “Now the Semper Fidoesn’t have

a certified med tech onboard—”

“Our birds don’t take passengers,”

Milano points out, as if Dixon doesn’t know this. The star fighters

are designed for one pilot, that’s it. No gunner position, no

navigator seat, nothing else.

Dixon silences her with a look. “You’ll take

one of the carriers,” he tells her.

She flops back into her seat with a groan.

“Those things are a bitch to fly,” she mutters.

“Like piloting a brick,” Parker adds.

“Can’t we just ditch the med?”

With a shake of his head, Dixon says, “We