* * * *
The others are already crammed on the nav
deck when we show up—Vallery in her seat and Leena in mine, Shanley
and Johnson leaning against the wall on either side of the door. A
steady blip blip blipsignals an incoming transmission, but
they’re waiting for us to arrive before accepting it. All four crew
members turn as we enter, and Leena hops from my seat to Vallery’s
knee, where she perches, waiting. They’re all waiting. When I sink
into my chair, Dylan sits on the armrest and I flash Vallery a
tight grin. “Well,” I start, but I can’t think of anything else to
say so I turn to the control panel, watch the blinking light on the
transmit button. I wait.
“The fighters are patched in,” Vallery
tells me. I nod, that’s good, they’ll hear the transmission too,
but I have no clue what happens next. You hit the transmit,
a voice inside me whispers. You say hello. It’s not that hard,
is it?
No, not in theory. But who’s on the other