I nod vigorously. “We didn’t,” I tell
them. “Swear to God we didn’t, all we did was sleep, that’s
Ellington doesn’t care. “If I let you do
it,” he hisses, poking me in the chest with one stubby finger,
“then they’regoing to want to do it, and I can’t have that.
We’ve worked too damn hard for this, and it might not be much to
you but it’s all we have. It’s all Ihave, and I’m not going
to let you stroll in here and tear it apart.” For a long moment his
eyes meet mine and I see the challenge in those dark depths, I see
the wantof a fight stewing in him. He’s not going to let
you win,my mind whispers. Anything you say, you’ll regret,
he’ll see to that.When I don’t respond, Ellington steps aside
and mutters, “Go on.”
Conlan looks like he has something more to
say, and I give him my most pleading look, please, I want to
beg of him, we didn’t know, please help us, please—but I
don’t. I can’t.
As I’m pulled through the crowd, I can’t