Thinking of him brings the anger back, the indignation, the hate. I
still can’t quite believe they just took him away from me, tore him
from my bed, while we slept—how could we guard against that? I
didn’t think there was anything toguard against. I thought
we were safe.
How stupid could I have been?
I crawl onto the bunk, cram myself back in
the corner and pull my knees up tight to my chest, until I’m taking
up as little of this damn cell as I possibly can. Maybe I can cease
to be here. Maybe I can live wholly in my mind, my heart, my soul,
where Dylan is. They can’t keep me here,I tell myself.
I’m free if I don’t let them get into me.
I should’ve seen this coming. The dirty
looks whenever Dylan touched me. The harsh whispers when we passed.
The way Conlan and Ellington both skirted around the subject, using
oblique references and obscure terms, trying to tell us with their
eyes alone that they didn’t want us together. For the good of the