Chapter 92

“Just go,” I hiss. “Dylan,


Behind us, Tobin blubbers, “I didn’t mean

anything, really! Just talking shit, that’s all. Ramsey—”

Something pops in the ceiling and Ellington

curses as a shower of sparks erupts around him, rains down. Tobin

twists in Ramsey’s grip. “Let me up!” he cries, trying to shield

his eyes from the sparks. “Ramsey, let me go! I didn’t mean

it. I didn’t—”

Ramsey releases him abruptly and Tobin

staggers away from the ladder, stumbles to one knee, gasping for

breath and rubbing his neck. “I didn’t mean it,” he sighs. “Jesus.

I didn’t.”

“Then watch what the fuck you say,”

Ramsey warns him, stationing himself in the doorway


From the electrical panel above comes

another pop, followed by a sizzle and more of Ellington’s low

curses. “What are you doingup there?” Maclin wants to


Before Ellington can reply, the flash slips

from his hand, splashing light on the walls, the men’s faces, the