“Hey hey!” Parker cries out, jumping
out of the hatch before it opens completely. He grimaces at the
soft mud like he forgot it was there, and then he takes in our
soaking wet clothing, our clay-streaked shoes, and laughs. “You
know I was hoping this shit would let up, right?”
“Did they give you clearance to land?”
Dylan wants to know, frowning at the ship’s struts, slowly sinking
into the earth. “Did you remember to cut the thrust when you
docked? Don’t tell me you went in my room—”
“I didn’t go in your room,” Parker
says, rolling his eyes. Winking at me, he jokes, “Your porno mags
are right where you left them, don’t worry. And that naked pic of
your boy—”
“You foundthat?” Dylan
“Hey!” I cry, indignant. “There better
not be any naked pictures of me in there.”
Dylan kisses my forehead. “Don’t worry,” he
kids, “I hid them all.” To Parker, he asks, “What coords did you
use? I thought they weren’t letting you down—”