* * * *
We race down another corridor, one I vaguely
remember, heading for the med lab. It’s just the four of us
again—the crew from the Semper Fi—and Ellington, with Conlan
leading the way. Shanley keeps Conlan’s frantic pace while the rest
of us fall back, clustered together, almost afraid. Even Ramsey and
Maclin are gone, back to the quarters with the others, and I can’t
help but wonder just what we’re rushing headlong into here. If no
one else follows us… how contagious isthis disease? Why
hasn’t Shanley gotten it yet? And, more importantly, will we
get it? How can we not?
I spot the low window that peers into
Marie’s room and Conlan sprints ahead, runs up to the door, presses
against it impatiently while it opens, too slow for him, he slips
through before the cycle’s complete. “Marie,” he sighs, rushing to
her side. We pile in behind him, my hand seeking Dylan’s, a small
comfort but something, at least. One glance at Conlan’s face,