Dylan takes Conlan’s arm, leads him on
ahead, and I can almost hear the words he’s whispering so low. You
know how it is, when you want some time alone with Marie? What say
you talk to your friend, see if he can’t bend the rules just this
once, okay? It’s the least he can do after all that shit he’s put
us through, you know?
With a sigh, I glance at Shanley and shake
my head, the hint of a smile toying at the corners of my mouth.
Only Shanley’s not right beside me anymore, he’s hanging back, and
I slow down to let him catch up with me. “Everything okay?” I ask.
From the look on his face, I have my doubts.
“I’ve been thinking,” he tells me, and
the way he says it suggests that whatever it is has been eating at
him for a while now. Shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his
jumpsuit, he says, “These people aren’t qualified physicians, Neal.
The briox will help, true, but so many things can go wrong during