Chapter 14

He feels Bobby staring at him, trying to will him to look up, meet his gaze. He doesn’t. Bobby’s got quick eyes and thin lips twisted into a perpetual smirk, and a little tuft of stubble down the center of his chin that he’s trying to grow in. “Looks like you missed a spot,” Dante told him once. The glare he got in return was enough to keep him from commenting on it again.

“Dante,” Bobby says softly. He steps closer, Dante knows what’s coming. The shop’s well-lit, true, but this isn’t exactly the best part of town and no one’s passed by their windows in a good five, ten minutes. No one to see the hand that finds its way into the back pocket of Dante’s jeans. The fingers curve around his ass with a familiarity that bothers him. Sidling closer, Bobby brushes against his arm and murmurs, “We can make up that time, if you want.”