Chapter 132

First Josey. Oh my God,Ryan thinks, he never knewa girl could be so damn annoying. Thank the Lord he never had one crush on him like that, he’d have to hurt somebody. All through lunch, blah blah blah, she wouldn’t shut the fuck up, wouldn’t take her sister’s hints, wouldn’t even look his way—she only had eyes for Dante. He doesn’t know how many times Becca kicked her under the table, but he saw Josey glaring at her sister now and then, and once he felt a leg swing by his so he knows she tried, at least. Tried to keep her little sister from making a fool of herself but it was too late. Didn’t try hard enough,he muses, sinking lower into the hot water, until the suds tickle his chin. Should’ve tied a napkin around her mouth, that might’ve worked.