His boyfriend kisses him, a tender press of lips, the only part of their bodies touching. A gentle tongue slips into him as his hands find their way to Dante’s chest, his fingers rubbing over nipples as hard as ice. “Dante,” he sighs again, the word lost in their kisses, and his hands smooth up over taut muscles, around his boyfriend’s neck to fist in the waves at his nape. “Please.”
Dante eases down beside him, the covers keeping them apart. Ryan doesn’t think he’s ever wanted anyone or anything as much as he wants this boy right now. “Please,” he says again when Dante pulls away to look at him. He’s close to begging, his throat thick with emotion, his eyes tearing until the room around him shimmers like stars. Here’s the part where Dante slips beneath the blanket and his naked flesh kisses Ryan’s own. Here’s the part where he takes Ryan in his arms and pushes into him. Here’s the part where they make it love.