Dante nods. He doesn’t want to be long. Carefully, he closes the door behind him and holds out an arm to indicate that Josey should lead the way. “Becca’s reading for her Medieval Lit class,” she says, heading down the hall. Dante follows. “But she’ll give me a few minutes, I’m sure. She needs to run down to the gift shop anyway. We’re out of hairspray.”
Josey opens the door to her room, holds it for Dante to enter. Inside it looks like a mirror image of his own room, the beds on the opposite wall but the same closet space, the same couch and TV, the same small sink and bathroom door. The dresser is covered in paraphernalia he’s not familiar with, bottles of strange perfumy scents, hair dryers, brushes and little ponytail holders and nail polish, lipstick tubes, eyeshadow compacts, so many colors, so much makeup. A girl’s room, he’s never been comfortable in places this feminine. He’s always afraid he’ll spill something and come away reeking.