A fair fight and Wil would’ve been dead long ago,Dante thinks, tugging on a T-shirt, one of Ryan’s. He loves wearing his boyfriend’s clothes, the shirts are so roomy and they smell heavenly, a sporty scent that is all Ryan’s own. A fair fight with Ryan on his feet would’ve left Wil Dietrich hurting worlds more than he hurts tonight. The nurse wouldn’t have been able to do anything for him. An intensive care unit might not have been enough.
When he’s dressed, Dante curls up on the bed again beside Ryan, wraps his arms around Ryan’s waist and rests his head on his lover’s hip, closes his eyes as he waits for the phone call to end. He listens to Ryan sigh dramatically. “Mom, I knowthis. Just don’t blow it all out of proportion, okay? I know how you are—yeah, okay, I have to go. I haveto. Yeah, later. Bye.” Nudging Dante to rouse him, his boyfriend says, “Ugh, she’s called the officials already. It was just a fight, you know? Jesus, nothing to get all riled up about.”