“Down there,” Trevor
pointed between his legs.
“You mean, in one of your
uh, balls?”
Trevor nodded, he felt his
face going red.
Someone else entered the toilets
and saw the two of them standing there.
Before the newcomer said
anything, Paul took hold of Trevor’s elbow and guided him out
through the door, along the corridor and into his office, closing
the door behind them. Showing Trevor to a seat, Paul took the one
next to him. He didn’t say anything, just gave him the space to
“I—My dad died of
Paul nodded as if he
understood. “And you’ve been afraid of it ever since, just in case
“I’m scared. I’m only
The hand that Trevor only
then realised had been holding his throughout, tightened slightly.
“How long? I mean, when did you first notice the lump?”
“Just over a week ago.
“The day before the
cricket match?”
Trevor nodded.
“Oh Trevor! Why didn’t you
say anything? I mean—”