Chapter 35

The pavilion had an air of

subdued quietness as everyone got dressed in their street gear.

Feeling uncomfortable, Trevor changed quickly and set off


From a distance Trevor

could see someone sitting on his doorstep. He thought it was Paul

come to explain what had happened. Trevor couldn’t help it, his

steps quickened. He’d been given a second chance to help, and there

was no way he would squander it. However, as he drew closer, he

could see it wasn’t Paul. It wasn’t until he’d reached the house

next door but one, and the man had spotted him coming and stood up,

that Trevor realised who it was.

His steps faltered. It

couldn’t be. Then after giving himself a mental shake he began

walking again, his heart beating more rapidly. He opened his garden

gate and made his way up the short path.

“Trevor, me old


That well-remembered grin

did something to Trevor’s insides, leaving him weak and in a fog.