“This won’t be easy for you to take, love, but—” Sandy shook her
head, then locked her gaze on Paul’s. “You’re in love with
At first Paul was shocked.
Then there was a brief moment of humour. Anger was the next emotion
on the roller-coaster. Paul tried to pull his hand from Sandy’s,
but she held on.
“Think about
Paul didn’t want to. He
shook his head. “I’m not gay.” Of that he was absolutely certain.
“I know I didn’t hit it off with Natalie, but I had no problems in
the bedroom department. I was up for it, uh, in more ways than one.
I…No, no. You’re wrong, I can’t—”
“Paul.” Sandy squeezed his
hand. “Think about why you broke up with Natalie.”
“That was just because she
was saying unpleasant and totally stupid things about a
“Yes, but before your
house was flooded and you spent time with Trevor, you had very
similar views to hers.”
Paul squirmed. He hated to
admit it, but she was right. “That doesn’t mean I’m in love with