
Chapter 3

The next day you feel worse

will you ever shake this bug?

Not likely.

Then the sores come

large, dark, scary

you know something’s not quite right

lying in a pool of sweat

your own wastes, deadly

In the end when it has liquefied

you, when you crash

blood pouring from every orifice

a medical phenomenon known as

“bleeding out”

infecting everyone around you

You breathe your last and think—

it feels like the flu at first.

* * * *

Horribly deadly.

People. Again. In some forms,

Ebola Reston, that

the monkey building

the particular

occupied Ebola known as

broke out strain but after

the Ebola scare,

hurt doesn’t here, monkeys

was never but can be


* * * *

And so it spreads

They live too far into the bush

too far from civilization as we know it

and so it spreads.

Who knows what they come in contact with?

What animals carry the disease?

And so it spreads.

No hospitals to care for them

those they have too unsanitary

to prevent inevitable contamination