Chapter 19

“Feeling better now?” Mason asked after

Parker had been quiet for about five minutes, though he hadn’t let

go his tight hold on Mason.

“Yeah, thanks.”

Mason kissed the top of Parker’s head. “Do

you want to talk about it?”

Parker shuddered, but made no other visible

or audible reply.

Mason continued to cuddle his friend,

marveling at how amazing it felt to give comfort to such a big and

outwardly tough person.

“Can we get cleaned up first? I stink.”

“Sure, babe, whatever you want.” Mason let go

of Parker who got up, kissed Mason on the cheek before making for

the door. “Leave the shower running. I’ll go in after you.” Mason

didn’t suggest they shower together; he suspected Parker needed a

little time to himself, plus the shower stall was rather small.

As he waited for Parker to finish in the

bathroom, Mason scanned the room. They’d made a real mess of the

bed, though fortunately the towels Parker had laid down the night