Chapter 30

The uneasy peace they’d brokered was

shattered when word got around school that Parker had “done it”

with one of the cheerleaders. The girl in question had announced

with glee to anyone who would listen that she’d got a notch on her

bedpost with Parker’s name on it. Mason, knowing the girl’s

sluttish reputation, didn’t fully believe the rumors, but thought

he better go see Parker and ask him about it, just to set his mind

at rest. Parker was evasive, and wouldn’t meet Mason’s eyes.

“Shit, man, it’s a simple question. Did you

have sex with that…that…whore!”

“She’s not a whore.”

“I don’t care what she is. Did you fuck her?”

Mason was shouting by this point.

“God damn it, Mase. If you want to know, then

yes, I fucked her. I bent her over the kitchen table and pounded

the hell out of her pussy. She screamed that I was the best she’d

ever had.”

Blinded by rage, Mason delivered a punch to

Parker’s mouth. He went reeling backward and landed on his ass,