“Well, uh, I got a job in her daddy’s firm,
passed the bar exam and was starting to climb the ladder. But…”
Mason could imagine what the butwas,
though he was determined not to interrupt.
“We had a couple of kids, boy and a girl,
Again Mason stayed quiet.
“Being married wasn’t easy.”
There’s a surprise,Mason thought.
“Well, uh, I started using the Internet. I
visited different chat rooms where I could chat with other men who
were like me.”
Mason nodded.
“That helped a lot, but just talking to
people who understood only went so far, you know? Shit, I’m not
proud of this,” Parker mumbled. “But, well, I’d visit adult
bookstores, even public restrooms and… Well you know.”
The venom in Mason’s voice surprised even
him. “You could never stick to just one partner when I knew you, so
it’s no surprise that nothing has changed.” Mason didn’t care that
his mode of questioning wouldn’t be approved of by the state
medical board.