Chapter 3

“Oy, get your bloody hands off me!” I stood up and moved away.

“Sorry, I just wanted to—”

“I don’t bloody care what you just wanted to, I ain’t interested.”

“A good looking boy like you?”

“Yeah, which means I wouldn’t touch a tramp like you with a bloody barge pole.”

That shut her up. God, I wished I had a camera, all the more so when I added, “And beside, love, I prefer other blokes.”

God, it was great to actually come out and tell somebody I was gay.

She shot me a couple of really hard looks and came out with a load of crap from the Bible. I just ignored her, and she slunk off to a seat further up the bus.

I doubted Will would have approved of how I’d treated the dozy cow. He always got upset when I’d say something to the few people on the tour who would say stuff to Will. But then I didn’t like how Will just seemed to let people walk all over him. That was gonna stop and no mistake if I had anything to say about it. Nobody was gonna put my Will down