Chapter 6

When he’d finished, O’Riley zipped up his pants, rolled off the bed, and went over to the record player. “How about South Pacific next?”

Nota Bene

At St. Sebastian’s I tried my best to conform. I became a model rule follower. I was early and never late to homeroom in the morning. I completed my assignments the night before and made sure I obeyed the priests in class. My motto in this Humpty-Dumpty world became: Don’t stand out, blend in. We were constantly reminded by our teachers, and the tenets of our religion, that we were unimportant individually in the grand scheme of things. We were insignificant specks on the planet, and we were only here on earth to glorify God—bow head here—and for a greater good that never seemed to materialize for anyone until they were dead and finally slipped into Heaven, after light years of atonement in Purgatory.