“Philip, help him for God’s sake,” she said.
He leaned over the seat and slammed the door shut.
“Just wanted to show you I can get out,” the kid said. “I don’t think your doors have handles.”
Mother and Philip checked it out. He was right. No handles.
“You folks are sitting where the bad guys go.” The boy stood up on the seat and leaned over and stared at them. Philip could see how really small this kid was. No taller than four feet at most
“I can leave anytime I want. But Officer Ruiz said he’d be right back, so I’m waiting.”
Philip said it was a comforting thought. “We’ll surely count on his return.”
“I know I will,” the kid said. “My name’s Ambrose. I’m almost twelve. Mama says I’m diminutive for my age. If you don’t know what that word means, you can look it up.”