Chapter 26

It was strange, but that night, as Bryan was falling asleep, he felt someone sit on the end of his bed. It had not happened for such a long time that it unnerved him, and, just as he had when he was a little boy, he pulled the covers over his head and waited for whoever, or whatever, it was to leave.


I am lying alone in bed. My lover has not yet arrived home from work. I turn over beneath the sheet that is draped over me, more for comfort than for warmth. I am naked beneath its soft, smooth fibres. The edge of the sheet slips off my shoulder, exposing it and one of my nipples.

Sleep finds me and I go willingly with it, wherever it may go. Sometimes I think the eight or so hours we spend sleeping is what makes the other sixteen hours bearable. Well, it is certainly true for me.

I am roused from my dreams later in the night by voices at the foot of my bed. One belongs to my beloved and the other is a stranger to me.