
Chapter 11

“He’s pissed I went behind his back and got myself into this mess, but glad you’re okay, and glad we’re trying to do something about this. Good enough?” Nathan turned to look at Jim, who was still turned away from him. “Hey. Come on. At least my savior is a chick, right? Sasha. I totally call dibs.”


“Dibs. If she’s hot,” Nathan amended.

“We’re going to her for help, Nate, not a date.”

“What’s wrong with getting both?”

“Nathan.” Jim shook his head, but the glimmers of a smile were twitching at the corners of his mouth.

“You’re just jealous I called dibs first.”


“Ah, come on, Jim, I’m just trying to have a little fun.”

Jim rolled his eyes. “That was our exit,” he said, pointing at the passing onramp that would have merged them onto their next Interstate.

“Oh. Shit.”

Beige carpeting and freshly painted white walls surrounded them inside Park Glen Apartments, making the whole place seem unnaturally sterile.