
Chapter 13

Nathan flinched when Walter suddenly appeared beside Sasha, staring particularly hard at the man’s red hair.

“I was unsure of his intentions initially,” Walter said, talking right at Sasha, though only Nathan could hear him, “but I am certain now that he means you no harm. This is the person Wade meant for you to find.” Walter’s features were scrunched as if in confusion, but he made no further comment.

If Walter was giving the okay then Nathan was more inclined to trust this stranger, though he had a sneaky suspicion that Wade had known all along Sasha was a man.

“Let’s start over,” Nathan said, flashing a friendlier smile as he at last tucked his gun away. “I’m Nathan. And this is my brother, Jim. Grier,” he added, almost as an afterthought.

“Grier?” Sasha repeated. “You’re one of the carrier families. So then…” His attention moved very quickly to Jim. “You’re a changeling.”