
Chapter 22

Every sign and lamp post as far as they could see was bent over at a ninety degree angle. Even the little trees planted in front of the hotel next door were bent.

Jim started to back-peddle, too fast to keep on his feet. When he finally fell, Nathan was there to catch him. It’s okay, Jim, Nathan wanted to say, but he couldn’t, not when Jim no longer believed those words. Not when Nathan had seen his brother with those same slit eyes again. So he helped Jim steady his footing and let his hold linger. It was an awkward backwards hug but Jim needed it. Jim needed to know that Nathan wasn’t afraid.

Even if that wasn’t true.

“If we can’t even save one girl…” Jim whispered, “...how are we supposed to save each other?”

Nathan flinched at the words. “Jim...we can try, okay? All we can do is try. If that’s not enough then we shouldn’t be doing this at all.” He started to let Jim go but kept contact with his hands on Jim’s shoulders as he turned him around.