
Chapter 104

Jim blinked a few times, looked over to find Sasha pale and shaking on the other bed, and immediately turned back to Nathan with clearer eyes. “Coat pocket,” he said. “I always keep some in there.”

Nathan didn’t stop to ask why Jim hadn’t thought to mention this brilliant idea to him earlier, but went straight for Jim’s coat hung over one of the room’s chairs. He found a vial in the first pocket, beautiful luminescent green. It had only been a few minutes, but already Sasha didn’t look good. Those sickly veins Nathan remembered from so long ago were already spreading out over Sasha’s arms and up his neck.

Opening the vial, Nathan poured some on his finger and ran it over the cut on Sasha’s arm, watching it fizzle and disappear. He did the same to each of Sasha’s hands and then handed the vial to Sasha for him to drink the rest. Sasha’s hands were still a little shaky, so Nathan had to help guide the vial to Sasha’s mouth.