
Chapter 134

“You can use your shirt…to tie around the wounds…and stop the bleeding. You’ll have to tear it.”

Sasha didn’t even pause to think. He lifted his hands from Nathan’s chest and dug into the cotton of his shirt with sudden claws, tearing it down the middle easily. Nathan wondered why Sasha wasn’t in his incubus form completely, since holding the glamours had to take some kind of effort, but the iron messing with Sasha’s brain seemed to be affecting that too.

Nathan hissed through his teeth, biting back a cry when Sasha tied the torn T-shirt tight around his chest. He already had scars there from Sasha’s claws, along with his dark fae mark. Soon, he would be able to add shotgun holes to the collection.

Getting to his feet wasn’t easy, not when it was like the blind leading the blind with Sasha trying to help. But stupid or not to move on, a few shotgun pellets were not going to slow Nathan down, not when his brother was still walking into a trap.