He tried anyway. “Alex…”
“Story for another time, Nate!” she called back as she disappeared.
Nathan’s scowl deepened. He was going to hold her to that.
Nathan had hoped he could postpone any raccoon hunting until tomorrow, but Alex pushed an honest to god raccoon trap into his hands after dinner before he could try and slip off to his room.
He wasn’t all that tired, even with a few more doses of his various medications in his system, because he had spent the majority of the afternoon sleeping and, to be honest, he was kind of restless. That didn’t mean he wanted to go foraging about in the attic for some damn raccoon though.
The attic was definitely the last place Alex had thought to renovate. It was dusty, filled with boxes and other storage, and had only one overhead light which was a bare bulb activated by a string. For a brief moment, Nathan wished Walter was with him so he could have his Spirit Guide scout ahead.