Jim’s amused reply of, “Didn’t need to know that!” followed after them, but Nathan ignored the tease. He wasted no time before pushing Sasha back against the hallway wall. Sasha’s initially pleased expression turned wary as Nathan glared at him.
“Gabriel’s stunt caused more damage than you want to admit, didn’t it?” Nathan said plainly. “It drained you, even with all the antidote we used to make you better. Have you been putting off feeding again because I’m hurt?”
A brief wave of panic flashed through Sasha’s eyes before he pulled on a smile. “It’s not that serious, Nate. I’m fine.”
“Really?” Nathan stepped closer into Sasha’s personal space, a hair’s breadth left between their bodies, and grazed the fingers of his right hand along the skin at the waistline of Sasha’s jeans, all the way around to touch the dip in Sasha’s lower back.
The incubus growled low in his throat, staring hungrily back at Nathan as his eyes flickered red and then back to blue.