“Nathan,” Jim said in a frustrated tone, “we’ve been over this. If we can track down the bounty holder, I might be able to use my powers to force them to release you. We wouldn’t even have to kill them. We just need to find a dark fae who actually knows whotheyare.”
“I’m not arguing,” Nathan said, “I just don’t want either of you getting your hopes up too high. We’ve found dark fae already, dark sidheeven, and they haven’t been any help so far. How do we know the next time will be any different?”
“If this dark sidhe lord is as powerful as I’m guessing after our run-in with the dryads, then ‘they’ probably keep their True Name hidden from lesser fae. But that doesn’t mean dark fae don’t know who to turn the bounty into.”
Nathan blinked at Sasha, not understanding.